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Why You Shouldn’t Eat Wheat

There is a lot of contraindicating information when it comes to eating wheat.  Many diets and doctors claim it is the key to a successful and healthy diet.  It is considered a “slow carb”, not spiking the gylcemic index (which is good for blood sugar) and a powerful source of fiber.  Then why do more and more, we hear why we shouldn’t eat wheat?  Truth is, many are intolerant or allergic to wheat or components of wheat.  Myself, I do eat a fair amount of wheat in my diet but I found the arguments againt very interesting.  I strongly believe everyone needs to make informed choices when it comes to diet.  Here is an article we stumbled on here at “Daily Dish” and thought you might want to take a look and decide for yourself.

Green Med Info, “200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons Not to Eat Wheat”

We are not doctors and it is recommended that you consult a physician before making any changes in your diet.  

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Tracy Iseminger

Tracy is a busy mother to 2 girls, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 17 chickens! Her adventures in cooking led her to create Daily Dish Magazine. She has a passion for pairing food with travel and wine. She is Marketing Director at Crimson Vine Marketing, Social Media Specialist at Cougar Digital Marketing, and a Dental Hygienist in her spare time... but her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.

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  1. I have mixed feelings about wheat… I think alot of MD’s have decided that wheat is the culprit for alot of diseases.. I went off wheat for a year because my MD thought that the reason my Vit D, and Iron levels were so low was because I had a wheat intolerance. I felt no difference when I was off wheat as I did when I was eating wheat. My levels did come up but I also was taking high doses of replacement so that may be why they came up. But I also agree with Beth and that we need to listen to our bodies and eat things in moderation. Great article Tracy.

  2. Interesting information but, as with many subjects in food science, some of the research behind it is still in the early stages. I think it’s wrong to make such sweeping statements about any foodstuffs (except those that are highly processed) because our tolerance for all things dietary is influenced by our heredity. We humans have all evolved based upon the diets available to our ancestors. If our ancestors were from a wheat growing region, chances are that their digestive systems adapted over time to effectively make use of the nutrients in wheat. If they came from, say, a barley growing region or a rice growing region or – as with our coastal first nations – a region where no grains were cultivated, that adaptation is much less likely. I believe the best choices are always made by eating whole foods in moderation and then listening to what our bodies are telling us. If you find that your health is adversely affected by wheat consumption, don’t eat it. If wheat consumption does not cause you ill effects, by all means, continue to make use of the nutrients this grain provides.

    1. Busy Vegetarian Mom says:

      Thanks for the reply. I do agree this was interesting information to read and as I stated, I beleive people need to arrive at thier own informed decisions. There does seem to be more and more information coming available why we need to be attentive to what we eat and where it comes from, and how it influences our health.

      I am currently looking for articles to post that bring the opposing view. If you know of such articles, please do share them with me.


  3. Thanks for sharing – appreciate that great info.

    1. Busy Vegetarian Mom says:

      Thanks for coming by and visiting. I hope you found the article to be a good read =)

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