Christmas Events Featured

The Legend of the Candy Cane: Free Printable

Legend of a Candy Cane Printable

With the hustle and bustle of decorating, cooking, shopping, and parties, it is easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas. We get caught up with trying to find that “perfect” gift, when in reality we don’t have the ability to give anyone the “perfect” gift. That gift was given to each one of us with Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection.


The legend of the candy cane is just that, a legend. I don’t know who originally wrote the story but it has a great meaning behind it. Below you will find two free printable’s, thanks to Tracy! The story about the candy cane would be super cute in a frame. For the poem, print it out and then glue, tape, or punch two holes in it to place a candy cane on it. This would make a great little holiday gift.


Legend of a Candy Cane Printable

Click to Print: The Legend of the Candy Cane Large Printable



Legend of a Candy Cane

Click to Print: Legend of the Candy Cane Poem

Now you can also print our NEW shortened “Fun Facts” Legend of the Candy Cane Printable as well! 

Legend of the Candy Cane - Fun Facts Free Printable


Click to Print: LegendoftheCandyCaneFunFacts

Also find our new printable Legend of the Candy Cane Christmas Cards! Print for free and insert a candy cane and give to your loved ones. 

Legend of the Candy Cane Poem ~ Free Printable Card
Candy Cane Ornament Giveaway

Lois has donated this candy cane ornament for us to giveaway to one lucky winner! Be sure and enter to win!

Enter to Win HERE! 

If entry box is not shown, click the rafflecopter link below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Merry Christmas,

From all of us here on Daily Dish with Foodie Friends Friday!!

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Robyn's View

Robyn is a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant, Author/Owner of Robyn's View, Contributing Author on Daily Dish Magazine, and Network Virtual Assistant for Entertainment New Media Network. She enjoys DIY projects, working on crafts, researching her family history, walking on the local beaches, watching TV sitcoms, and movies. Robyn is a mom to two adult children, both of whom have flown the nest and are married. She also has two grandchildren, 4 dachshunds, 4 chickens, 2 cats, a bunny, and an amazing man in her life.

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  1. G’day! LOVE the legend!
    Cheers! Joanne

  2. Thansk, it’s beutiful and really remember the spirit an meaning of Christmas…

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