Indoor Flower Shows help ease me through winter’s cold, ice and snow. Walk through the door and you’re transported to anywhere the flower and garden vendors wants to take you. Places like The Philadelphia Flower …
Micro Greens Garden Sense
Imagine fresh cut greens anytime of year. Moist, mouth-watering bites to savor in the dead of winter or the heat of summer. Sounds too good to be true? Its not, when you grow greens indoors. …
Ready, Set, Onions! Garden Sense
Read, Set, Onions! Vegetables Set clipart from Onions are one of the most versatile cooking gems in our kitchen. We enjoy this vegetable in every stage of growth. Bulb onions can be started …
To Prune or Not Prune Garden Sense
Pruning Ornamental Plants Why do we prune plants? Wouldn’t you think it was better to let nature take its course and let them grow? Actually there are many reasons to prune a plant. cut off …
A Cut Above Hand Tools (pruning) Garden Sense
Pruning is essential to good plant health. Hand held pruners and extension loppers are valuable hand tools to have around. Pruners and loppers come in 3 styles: Anvil Anvil Cutters have a straight edge blade …
Snowblower Safety Tips
Its snowblower season and our friends at Toro want to remind us to stay safe while clearing walks and driveways. Here are some important safety reminders when using your snowblower. Wear Adequate Winter Outerwear: Jacket …
Pick a Perfect Christmas Tree Garden Sense
Every Christmas, unsuspecting families wander onto the Christmas tree farm or fresh-cut lot. Faced with pines, firs, and spruces, which is which and does it matter? Let’s look at most common choices: Firs Firs …
Let it Snow, Let It Snow Let It Snowberries
There is something special about how snow clings to plants creating a peaceful, calming effect in your yard or garden. Snowberries look wonderful in a winter landscape. This plant can be grown almost anywhere. You …
Should I Till My Garden? Garden Sense #DailyDishMagazine
Fall is here and it is time to get out the rototiller. Or is it? Traditionally autumn is the time we think about adding soil amendments and preparing our garden for next season. This course …
Root for Your Favorite Plants Garden Sense
Every year I wish I could bring my whole garden inside for winter. But even after I pot up the herbs and begonias, I take a few slips to root of the ones that won’t …
Fall Tree Checklist Garden Sense #DailyDishMagazine
Fall Tree Checklist If you are thinking about planting trees this autumn here are a few things to keep in mind: Put the proper tree in the proper place. Avoid planting trees that drop flowers, …
Fall Garden Fun! Garden Sense #GardeningWednesday
Ideally by now I’d have most of my fall gardens put to rest for the winter. My flower beds would be clear of dead annuals and debris (except for those straggler leaves) and my …
Back Inside Vacation’s Over! Garden Sense
Bring Your houseplants in From Their Summer Vacation. September signals fall in many parts of the country. For those of us living in zone 6 or colder, cooler nights and shorter days means its …
Garden Slugs no Escargot Garden Sense
Slug FAQ Over the years, I’ve gotten many questions on what to do about slugs and snails. I actually like escargot served on garlic toast. Still, I’m not about to eat garden slugs or snails. …
Patio Green Beans a Snap with #HarrisSeeds Garden Sense
Patio Green Beans a Snap with #HarrisSeeds Remember those little strings running down the sides of green beans? In fact, growing up I only knew snap beans referred to as “string beans”. One of my …
I’ve Got a Green Tiger by the Tail! Garden Sense #HarrisSeeds #Spon
When I say, “I’ve got a Green Tiger by the tail,” I’m not referring to this tiger. Or this tiger… but this tiger. You’ve heard me talk about Green Tiger Squash test plants from Harris …
Rainy Day Gardening Garden Sense
Many gardeners sigh at the sight of another rainy day. Postponing garden activities because of rain is not necessary. Many garden chores are actually easier on …
Easy Wave Petunias from #HarrisSeed
I love petunias! So I jumped at the chance to test trial this Easy Wave Petunia Collection from Harris Seeds . As a member of Garden Writers of America I get to preview some wonderful …
Downy Mildew Garden Sense #DailyDishMagazine
Downy Mildew Downy Mildew is a foliar disease that zeros in on both young and old leaves. It affects a wide variety of ornamental flowers including but not limited to roses, impatiens, salvia, asters, coreopsis …
Top Reasons Not To Use Pesticides Garden Sense #DailyDishMagazine
Top Reasons Not To Use Pesticides Our gardens get plagued with pests all season long. Insects not only cause damage by eating leaves, fruits and roots but open wounds on plants allow disease to enter. …