Fresh Foodie Finds! Bacon is one of those magical foods that really goes with just about everything on the planet. Sweet, savory, salty… you name it. You can put bacon on it! Check out 10 …

Recipes, Crafts, & Travel
Recipes, Crafts, & Travel
Fresh Foodie Finds! Bacon is one of those magical foods that really goes with just about everything on the planet. Sweet, savory, salty… you name it. You can put bacon on it! Check out 10 …
Twice Baked Stuffed Potatoes with BACON… This is an easy and delicious recipe that my family loves. My son especially loves them, so I make them at least two to three times …
Dandelion with Hot Bacon Dressing Know your herbs and spices Many of us spend a lot of time trying to get dandelions out of your yards and gardens. If you know me, you know I’m …
I once heard a friend say that “bacon is not a seasoning”. While it isn’t technically a seasoning, you have to admit that it is a pretty tasty addition to lots of recipes. Contrary to …
Canadian Bacon….. What is Canadian Bacon? Did you know that Canadian Bacon is only called Canadian Bacon in the States? So, I ask again… What is Canadian Bacon? I did some research to find out …