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Setting Up a Vegetable Garden

Setting up a Vegetable Garden doesn’t have to be difficult. Follow a few simple considerations to get you started! 

Vegetable gardening has become lately just as popular as going to the grocery store for your veggies. Vegetable gardening can produce vegetables that are most of the times less expensive than when purchased in a grocery store, and from a home vegetable garden, they are without a doubt better tasting by far. Vegetable gardening is the same as growing herbs or flowers and if the right steps are taken, young veggies are given the right care they’ll grow and flourish.  The First thing you will have to think about how much space you want to utilize for your vegetable garden and then choose a spot in your backyard, somewhere that has a good drainage, good flow of air, and good deep ground.


Starting Your Vegetable Garden


I’m sure you know vegetable gardens have a lot delightful rewards, however,  many animals such as birds, mice, insects will take to some of your vegetables as well. To prevent this,  setup a fence around your garden or install a trap to snatch the moles, insects and other animals.  

Before you start planting, be sure the ground must be properly prepared. Good ground for vegetable gardening is accomplished by cultivation and the employment of organic fertilizer. The ground must be tilled to control weeds and mix mulch in the ground. Whenever you have a small garden, spading could be a more effective bet than plowing.

Mulching is also a all important part of ground preparation. Organic fertilizer added to the ground releases nitrogen, minerals, and supplemental nutrients plants need to grow. The most basic and most effective sort of mulch you can use is compost. While the type and amount of plant food used depends on the ground and the sorts of vegetables, there are a few plants that have particular needs; leafy plants, like cabbage, spinach, and lettuce typically grow better with a good amount of nitrogen, when root crops such as potatoes, beets, and carrots ask more potassium hydroxide. Tomatoes and beans are accustomed to a smaller extent of the plant food, when plants like onions, celery, and potatoes need a bigger amount.

The Thing that’s vitally important in vegetable gardening is how the yard is ordered, there’s not a single plant that will grow in all gardens due to varying circumstances. The way to set up a vegetable garden is to plant vegetables demanding only a modest distance together, such radishes, beets, and spinach, and those that need a lot of garden space together, such as maize, pumpkins, and potatoes. Plant big growing vegetables toward the back of the vegetable garden and the smaller ones in the front so that their sunshine doesn’t get blocked. (See tips on companion gardening)

When you are finally ready to begin planting out your vegetable garden, be sure that you plant at the right season. If you are eager to get an quick start, you may need to start your vegetable garden indoors in a hotbed and then move when the weather conditions allows it.


Hydrofarm Germination Station with Heat Mat



After planting, be sure your vegetables pick up the right amount of water, which depends up on the kind of plant or veggie.

Vegetable gardening is for many people a rewarding hobby since you can really taste the fruits of your work. Vegetable gardening isn’t that pricey to begin and the flavor of home grown vegetables definitely beat out the supermarket veggies.


Read More Gardening Tips with our Garden Sense Series on Daily Dish Magazine! 


 Expert Gardening Tips | #GardenSense | Daily Dish Magazine



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Tracy Iseminger

Tracy is a busy mother to 2 girls, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 17 chickens! Her adventures in cooking led her to create Daily Dish Magazine. She has a passion for pairing food with travel and wine. She is Marketing Director at Crimson Vine Marketing, Social Media Specialist at Cougar Digital Marketing, and a Dental Hygienist in her spare time... but her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.

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