Featured Garden Garden Sense

Root for Your Favorite Plants Garden Sense

potted herbs

potted herbsEvery year I wish I could bring my whole garden inside for winter. But even after I pot up the herbs and begonias, I take a few slips to root of the ones that won’t survive the winter.

Whether you’re a vine nut like me or geraniums make your heart flutter, creating more of your favorites doesn’t need to be a chore.

Important things to remember when rooting cuttings.

To reduce injury, always use a sharp knife or razor blade dipped in alcohol. A clean sterile cut will help prevent disease transmissions and help the wounds heal faster.

When taking a cutting, make sure there are at least two nodes (part where stem meets leaf) and about an inch of stem below the last node for support.

Remove any flowers or buds and any leaves below the last node. This helps the plant use its energy to make roots. Try using non-soil mediums such as sand, vermiculite, jiffy pots or peat & perlite.

Make a pencil hole into moistened medium and insert cutting with at least one node below surface and gently tamp.

If using a rooting hormone, remember to put a small amount in a separate container for dipping cuttings. This helps cut down on the risk of contaminating your hormone supply. Never use a rooting hormone on succulent or soft stems.

If rooting in water, make sure no leaves are submerged or touch the surface . Decaying leaves can cause fungal problems.

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Cindy's Recipes and Writings

As a professional cook, I love creating exciting new recipes on the job as well as at home. Assisting in teaching low-income families how to buy, store and prepare healthy food through Penn State’s alliance with Pennsylvania’s Supercupboard Program was very rewarding. During my 11 years with the Master Gardener program, I taught horticultural therapy to assisted living patients using healthful, fr
esh grown food as a focal point. . My hands-on programs and instruction helped hundreds of children and adults learn about where their food comes from and how important fresh food is for your body.
Currently I’m a cook at a college in Pennsylvania. We prepare everything we can from scratch, including our potato chips that tout the seasoning of the day!
Of course I write about food; it's in my blood!

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