Easter is in a few weeks and what better time than NOW to start a
Resurrection Garden with your children.
We put together a great list of resources for you to be able to plan and make your own
Resurrection Garden. Try to put your garden together a few weeks BEFORE Easter so the grass is
sprouting just as you’re getting your house ready for the celebration.
(Photo Credit: Pinterest)
Here are a few samples of different Resurrection Gardens that we found
on Pinterest. Head over to the links provided above each photo
for complete directions so you can put one together for your family.
I think it would be great for each child to make one of their own and then
to use them as a centerpiece for your Easter table this year.
In the Hills of North Carolina…
We would LOVE to see photos of YOUR Resurrection Gardens!
What a beautiful way to share with your family
that the Lord is risen…indeed!
What a great way to celebrate Easter! The little gardens are so creative and quite pretty!