Featured Garden Garden Sense

Plant Now for a Fall Salad Harvest #GardenSense



Late summer is the perfect time to start your fall salad garden. Seeds planted now in the warm soil will germinate faster for fall harvest than a spring crop would have produced.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Replenish the soil with compost and fertilizer as needed before sowing any seeds. When your soil is ready it’s time to consider what to plant.
  • Check the maturity dates on seed packages and add about 2 weeks to the time to compensate for shorter days as winter approaches.
  • Stagger planting your greens by two week intervals to create a longer harvest season. Leafy greens will mature faster than head lettuces. Try your hand at fall spinach, arugula and leaf lettuce.
  • Root crops such as radishes and carrots can also be planted as seed in time for harvest.
  • Cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage should be started as “plugs” or starter plants ready to transplant.

Follow these tips and enjoy the makings of a fresh picked salad. All you need to decide is what kind of dressing to use!


Get more tips for Gettng your Fall Garden Started with Daily Dish Magazine 

Easy Tips for Fall Vegetable Gardens ~ Harvest All Year Long!


Thank you to our supporters at Legg Creek Farm! 

Grow and enjoy your very own fruit, from your own fruit trees! Legg Creek Farm has a great selection of fruit trees for gardeners across the country…plus you get a free tree with every order!

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Cindy's Recipes and Writings

As a professional cook, I love creating exciting new recipes on the job as well as at home. Assisting in teaching low-income families how to buy, store and prepare healthy food through Penn State’s alliance with Pennsylvania’s Supercupboard Program was very rewarding. During my 11 years with the Master Gardener program, I taught horticultural therapy to assisted living patients using healthful, fr
esh grown food as a focal point. . My hands-on programs and instruction helped hundreds of children and adults learn about where their food comes from and how important fresh food is for your body.
Currently I’m a cook at a college in Pennsylvania. We prepare everything we can from scratch, including our potato chips that tout the seasoning of the day!
Of course I write about food; it's in my blood!

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