Peppermint is a big part of Holiday drinks and desserts but do you know why? My guess would be the fact that peppermint is soothing; calming the stomach and settling nerves. Calming, peaceful like Christmas. The flavor was first added to candy canes to symbolize purity since mint is a member of the hyssop family. Hyssop has biblical ties to purification rites.
No matter the reason, peppermint is a fast growing herb. This mint is cultivated for its oil. Commercially its used in everything from cosmetics to insect repellents. Foodies can find it in just about anything.
Here are some peppermint recipes to enjoy one of the popular tastes of the season.
Mint Tea Slushie
Strawberry Pineapple Chicken Salad
Mint Condition Cupcakes
Learn more about other types of mint HERE .