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Medieval Times Dinner Theater

Have you been to Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament?  If you haven’t, you should check this out for some good family fun.  The Medieval Times Dinner Theater combines a hearty meal and fun entertainment.

Medieval Times Dinner Review – New Vegetarian Option


There are 9 locations in all.  We visited in Buena Park, California.  This is right down the street from Knotts Berry Farm and about 15 minutes from Disneyland.

medieval times castle
Medieval Times Castle

Upon entry, you walk into a big “castle” with everyone in appropriate attire.  This sets the mood.  You get a chance to take a souvenir photo, buy some drinks at the bar or pick up fun take home toys for the kids before being seated.

You are seated along long tables around the arena.  There are 6 colored areas defining which knight is representing your kingdom.  You get matching colored crowns and flags to show your allegiance!

Midieval Times Seating
Medieval Times Seating

As the show is officially getting started, your server starts to bring out your food.  (If you are choosing the Vegetarian fare, you need to remind them when you check in to get a special card to give to your server.)

What is on the menu?  

midieval times dinner
Medieval Times Dinner – Meat
Medieval Times Vegetarian Dinner

First Course:  Tomato Soup with Garlic Bread

Main Course:   Veggie Option – Lasagna and Veggies   Meat Eaters – Chicken Leg, Rib and Potato Wedges

Dessert:  Apple Turnovers

Drinks: Free- Soda, Water or Coffee      Extra Cost: Beer and Wine


How was it?  Well- honestly, the food was good – but nothing to write home about.  It tasted like buffet food prepared for the masses.  This is fine as I was not expecting a gourmet meal.


Now the REAL fun… THE SHOW!

The show tells a story.  I honestly wasn’t paying too much attention to the story as we were all just waiting for the action!

The Tournament starts with a series of “games” with each Knight receiving flowers from the Princess as a prize.  The Knight then rides around his section of the arena and throws them out to the crowd.  ( We were lucky enough to catch one!)

Midieval Times Knight
Medieval Times Knight

Slowly the Knights are eliminated through the popular jousting and hands on combat.  This part is very well done and very realistic.

Midieval Times Jousting
Medieval Times Jousting

As the Knights compete, the audience for each color roots, cheers and boos for the opposition.  It is very interactive and keeps your attention throughout.

Jumping Horse
Horse Entertainment at
Medieval Times Show

Mixed in with the tournament are parades of beautiful horse and also a falcon.  It is very impressive!



So is it worth it?  The show is quite spectacular, the food is just OK… at the full cost of $57.95 for adults and $35.95 for 12 and under, I would say you better be sure your family will REALLY enjoy this.  For a large family, that cost adds up quickly – especially if you are buying additional cocktails and souvenirs.

I would suggest you look around and find the coupons and special offers that are available.  Check HERE for Special Offers through the website.  This will make it much more affordable for your group!

January 2013 – Kids are just $9.95  OR  Adults $37.95 & Kids $25.95 for a limited time – Coupon Code 2010WEB

To find locations near you, more details about the show, games and to make your reservations – Click HERE to get the Medieval Times Website.



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Tracy Iseminger

Tracy is a busy mother to 2 girls, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 17 chickens! Her adventures in cooking led her to create Daily Dish Magazine. She has a passion for pairing food with travel and wine. She is Marketing Director at Crimson Vine Marketing, Social Media Specialist at Cougar Digital Marketing, and a Dental Hygienist in her spare time... but her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.

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