“Compensation was provided by Cargill® via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Cargill®.”
As we are rolling into the new year, I am already finding I have to remind myself of my “New Year’s Resolutions”. This year it is not enough just to say that I will do it… I must actually follow through and do it!
I have found a few tips that have helped me in MY journey to eating better and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
First priority. Set clear goals. Just what is it that you want to achieve and what’s your deadline?
Next, I document. I keep track of where I am and see what is working and what is not. What am I tracking? What I eat, drink, how I feel, and the changes I see in my body image.
Lastly. Support. You can not achieve your goals without support of those who are closest to you. Share with them your experiences and encourage them to take the journey with you!
I also found some great tips from The Nutrition Twins in five simple steps:
1. Eat your red, green and orange. Add a fruit or veggie of this color to every meal to stay well rounded in your diet.
2. Focus on quality carbohydrates like butternut, oatmeal or beans.
3. Sneak in exercise. Take the stairs or park farther out in the parking lot.
4. Use zero calorie sweeteners like Truvia® natural sweetener to cut the calories!
5. Shut off electronics 30 minutes before bed to allow your brain to “shut off” and get a good night sleep.
It was timely when I stumbled into working with Truvia® natural sweetener. I was looking for a sweet treat and I really wanted to “cheat” and eat something I knew I would regret. Instead, I started browsing the recipes available on the Truvia® brand website for a substitute that would cure my cravings.
I ended up choosing a quite simple cocktail that would be sweet and refreshing. A low calorie “Steve Collins”. I usually don’t drink Gin but we happen to receive some as a gift and I hadn’t known what to do with it so I saw this as a perfect opportunity to try it out. I am glad I did! It was just that little bit of sweetness with a punch of sour to cure my cravings without adding on the calories. Since this recipe is for one small drink, I didn’t have a bunch of leftovers that would be left calling my name. Win-Win.
Low Calorie Steve Collins
You can find the original recipe at Truvia® natural sweetener website but I have modified it just a bit to my liking in this recipe. I found the original a bit sweet for my taste and I like a bigger drink so I increased the amount of gin to balance it out!

Low Calorie Steve Collins
- 2 1/2 oz. Gin
- Juice of 1/2 Lemon
- Juice of 1/2 Lime
- 2 Packets Truvia® natural sweetener
- Mint (garnish)
- Place all ingredients into a shaker with ice.
- Shake until well blended and frothy.
- Pour into a serving glass with ice.
- Garnish with Mint and Lemon.
In a recent survey, 59% of people say they experienced setbacks to eating healthy. Truvia® wants to help reduce that number and is encouraging you to keep at it and stick to your goals by offering you a chance to win one of three great prizes for taking the pledge to stay true to YOU!
I found this infographic very interesting. Some I can completely relate to like all 4 of the factors that people say led to setbacks in eating healthy. I’ve experienced and used ALL those excuses! But what really surprised me is that 54% of people would give up their favorite indulgence to be rich. I really would expect to be skinny or loved to be a bit higher. I equate “being skinny and loved” in this case as being a healthy example which only 24% see as a motivation! For me, trying to maintain a healthy life for me is teaching my kids to lead a healthy life themselves and hopefully avoid the consequences of an unhealthy diet in the future.
Stay TRU to YOUR New Year’s Resolutions and join the “Stay TRU to YOU” on Facebook and follow along with the conversation on Twitter using #StayTRU
What recipes have YOU tried with Truvia®? Leave me a comment below!
Truvia® natural sweetener is a great tasting, zero-calorie sweetener made with the best tasting part of the stevia leaf. One packet provides the same sweetness as two teaspoons of sugar, and is great in coffee, tea, or even your morning grapefruit. The sweetener is available in 40-, 80- and 140-count boxes, and in a spoonable jar. Truvia® Baking Blend blends Truvia® natural sweetener and sugar to provide a sugar-like taste and texture for recipes, with 75% fewer calories than sugar. For more info, check out Truvia.com/recipes or our Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube channels.