Appetizers Featured Lunch Side Dishes

Left-over turkey?

Mini pizzas made with left-over turkey and veggies


Are you like me and have left-over turkey from your Thanksgiving meal?

I cooked a 11 pound turkey and there was only two of us…

So that means turkey for every meal…

Probably not but I will be trying to figure out what to do with  all the leftovers.

And if you have a hubby like mine, he doesn’t like leftovers,

So each meal has to look a little bit different….

Not always easy Right?

Last night I decided to make mini pizzas with my left-over turkey.

They were easy and quick to make and made a great meal with a side salad.

They also would work for an appetizer or

something to throw together when your kids come home from school or practice hungry.

Left-over Turkey Mini Pizzas

 English Muffins

Pizza or Pasta Sauce

left-over turkey

chopped veggies – peppers, mushrooms, onions, avocados

shredded cheese

spices – Italian seasoning, salt and pepper

Mini left-over turkey pizza
Left-over turkey mini pizzas with a side salad

Left-over turkey Mini pizza

mini pizzas made with English muffins, leftover turkey, veggies and cheese


  • 6 English muffin halves
  • 6 tbsp pizza sauce or marinara sauce
  • diced turkey
  • diced veggies - onions, mushrooms, peppers
  • 1/2 avocado sliced thinly
  • shredded cheese
  • Italian seasoning
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Toast English muffins and place on cookie sheet.
  2. Add 1 tbsp of pizza or marinara sauce to each English muffin.
  3. Sprinkle on Italian seasoning, salt and pepper
  4. Layer left-over turkey, veggies and cheese (amounts per personal taste)
  5. Place under broiler and broil until cheese is lightly brown and bubbling.
  6. Enjoy.


This recipe is to be made to your taste

Add how much ingredients and whatever ingredients you want.

They can also be made vegetarian  by not using turkey and using vegan cheese.

Mini pizzas made with left-over turkey and veggies
Left-over turkey mini pizzas


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Marlys @This and That

A Canadian transplant into USA with an African husband, you can see my adventures in internationally cooking over at This and That.

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