Cooking Tips Featured

Kitchen Tip: How to Make Brown Sugar

I’m sure this has happened to us all at one point in time.  You have everything ready to bake cookies and you reach for your container of brown sugar only to find it hard as a rock.  Or worse yet…empty.  Maybe you have time to make a quick run to the grocery store to purchase a fresh package of brown sugar, but most of the time you have to save your baking for another day.   Why not make your own brown sugar?  It’s easy and you most likely have all the ingredients in your pantry.


Homemade Brown Sugar 
(Recipe from
Yield:  One cup brown sugar
  • One cup granulated sugar
  • One tablespoon molasses
Combine both in a mixing bowl and stir with a fork until completely mixed.  
You now have one cup of brown sugar to use in any recipe!  
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Originally from Queens, NY, Lois now calls northeastern PA home. You can find her blogging over at Walking on Sunshine where she shares a little of her life, but more importantly what’s for dinner at her house tonight.

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