Today I’d like to introduce you to another one of our Foodie Friends who has become a regular in our group and I’m so thrilled to have her. Joanne DiPalo of Wine Lady Cooks is always striving to learn more , is so eager to share and just so nice to have around. If you haven’t been to her blog, you will find she cooks of a wide variety of mouthwatering recipes! How about we all get to know her a little bit better.
Wine Lady Cooks
1. What is your Blog?
2. How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging in 2009 just after I retired.
3. What inspires you to blog?
Our lives are ever-changing as are our food preferences and changes in our health which can make food choices challenging. This is what inspires me to blog. There are always new foods to try, new recipes to make all while trying to ‘keep us honest’ to eat healthier and be able to get the food on the table when schedules are hectic.
4. What are your favorite topics to blog about?
Well, there is no doubt about my having a ‘Sweet Tooth’ and I prefer to be in the kitchen whipping up a sweet treat than cooking dinner. I probably have more sweet recipes than savory – although I’ve never really checked — but in order to balance this out and stay focused I do like to encourage making changes in a recipe to include a healthier alternative for some ingredients. This all came about when a few years ago we had to make dietary changes. When I saw the positive results in our health I knew that blogging about making changes to some recipes could be helpful to others.
5. What is your favorite blog post you have written?
The changes I’ve been making in our diets was one of the reasons I wrote this post. Sugar Ruins Your Health & Sugar Free Dressing
6. What is your favorite recipe/thing to eat?
Chocolate, my Chocolate Ravioli Pillows recipe is a favorite and one that my daughter and grandson always ask me to make. Ice cream is another one of my favorites. I’ve been experimenting with different recipes but if there is one dish that needs to stay true to itself it’s Ice Cream. It needs to be rich and creamy – this is my one and only splurge.
7. Do you have a “signature” dish?
I’ve been making cream puffs for more years than I can remember. I made them once for my mom and dad to celebrate their anniversary. After that everyone would ask me to make them and now they are my son-in-law’s favorite. He always asks to have them instead of a birthday cake and requests that I make them for every holiday.
8. Tell us about YOU. What are your hobbies, your family, etc…
I’m a daughter, sister, wife, mother and grandmother. Like most of us I have a crazy schedule. When I do have free time I do like to sew. My mom taught me to sew when I was eleven and I’ve been sewing all my life, although these last few years I have been hooked on technology and have set aside my sewing machine for my computer.
My grandsons are my pride and joy, after my two daughters of whom I am most proud. One of my favorite things to do is travel. We plan ahead and save up for our trips so we can make memories together with the boys. We have the most fun traveling with the boys and my daughters and always have the best time together.
9. It might surprise you to know that…
Oh, wow, that’s really hard. Our real personalities are hidden behind our blogs and one might think cooking and baking is my life. I love to bake, but I love shopping in Home Depot. I used to enjoy doing small home improvement projects. Although now that I’ve been sitting at a computer for the last few years I’ve become a little ‘weak’, but I do most of the needed repairs in our house and when I sometimes need an extra hand my daughter helps me.
Thank you Joanne so much for taking the time to answer our questions so we can get to know you better. As always, it’s a pleasure working with you!
What a great article! Enjoyed learning a bit more about you Joanne!
Thank you so much for the feature. I really appreciate all your efforts and support, it means a lot.
G’day! Great post! I have Joanne to thank for finding me and inviting me into the fold!
Cheers! Joanne
Great post… Love knowing more about my “blogging” friends.