Cooking Tips Featured

How to Peel Tomatoes…Kitchen Tip

Here is an easy Kitchen Tip on peeling tomatoes that I use every year.
Here is just ONE collection of tomatoes from our garden this year…


Once you get them all washed, put a small “X” in the bottom of each tomato and submerge in

boiling water for 30 seconds…

Immediately place the tomatoes into a bowl of ice water…
Then careful pick up a tomato and begin to pull the outer layer of skin off…
The outer layer of skin comes off very easily.  I was having fun trying to get it off in one piece…
A beautiful bowl of peeled tomatoes ready to go into my crock pot to cook down…
Once the tomatoes have cooked in the crock pot you can process them following the steps
for a water bath canner or you can freeze them in freezer-safe plastic containers.  
I have done both ways.  
Beautiful jars of canned tomatoes ready to use during the winter months
to make delicious sauce and other great recipes…
This is a photo of the very first tomatoes I canned with my cousin Traciene, who taught me how to can.  
This photo was taken back in 2000…
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Originally from Queens, NY, Lois now calls northeastern PA home. You can find her blogging over at Walking on Sunshine where she shares a little of her life, but more importantly what’s for dinner at her house tonight.

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