
Homemade Yogurt

homemade yogurt

The yogurt in this picture is homemade.  It is really very simple to make and is quite cost effective.  All it takes is a bit of time.  I make mine using a the crock pot method.  You will have to have a little purchased yogurt the first time, but as long as you keep it going – that is keep using a little from your last batch, you won’t have to purchase anymore.  And the best part is that it tastes so much better than the store bought version.  Once you try making your own, I know you will never go back!

I found the original recipe at The Girls Guide to Guns and Butter.

Homemade Yogurt


  • ½ gallon organic 1% milk
  • 2 Tbsp. purchased plain yogurt, preferable organic (You only have to buy this the first time. After that, you can just save out 2 Tbsps. of the yogurt you have already made for the next batch.


  1. Heat the milk on low in the crock pot for 2½ to 3 hours or until it registers between 180 and 190 degrees.
  2. Turn the crock pot off and let cool for about 3 hours or until it has cooled to 110 degrees.
  3. Remove 1 cup of the milk and stir the purchased yogurt into it.
  4. Pour the milk/yogurt mixture back into the crock pot and stir with a wisk until it is completely combined.
  5. Wrap the crock pot in a towel and put it in your oven with the light on (DO NOT TURN THE OVEN ON) for 8 to 10 hours.
  6. When you remove it from the oven, there may be a bit of water on top. Just pour it off. Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator for about 1 week.
  7. If you want thicker or Greek yogurt, line a fine mesh sieve with paper towels, coffee filters, or cheese cloth. Set the sieve inside a bowl to catch the extra fluid. Pour the yogurt into the lined sieve. Refrigerate and allow to drain until desired thickness. To get really thick Greek yogurt, this usually takes about two hours
  8. Note: that the warm yogurt before refrigeration is really good, so you should have some.
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From Calculus to Cupcakes

I am a Calculus teacher who just happens to love to cook and blog about it.

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  1. I have been wanting a recipe that I can do in the crockpot– the recipe I have is for the oven and as I have an old gas oven, my doesn’t go low enough to do it.. Was thinking I would try in the crock pot. Thanks for sharing this…

  2. Walking on Sunshine says:

    I make yogurt the exact same way! Delicious and easy and considering the price of Greek yogurt, this really saves money!

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