Entertainment Featured Reviews

Google Adsense and a Mad Housewife

Uggg… Google Adsense.  If you are a blogger, you know why I say Uggg.  If you are not, let me tell you… I love google adsense and what they offer.  It is a “simple” way for us to make a little spare change for the many hours we put into publishing these blogs.  Problem is, something so “simple” isn’t always so “simple”.  That is where the Mad Housewife comes in…. the wine called Mad Housewife that is!

*Disclosure: I received Mad Housewife to taste and review at no charge.  All opinions expressed are honest and 100% my own. 

I poured myself a generous size glass of this new wine I received to try and set forth to try and figure these ads out!  The thing is, I think showing ads can be great because I see a lot of ads that carry some great links – but for some reason I kept seeing, “how to bail out your loved one from jail” ads… uh… excuse me? We are a food blog… not relevant! (well maybe for some – I won’t judge).  Long story short, I watched some videos and learned how to target my ads so only appropriate advertisers are seen on my site and hopefully, you all find something you like. 🙂  The wine made it just that much more tolerable to sit down and get it done, lol!


NOW… most importantly – a little more about this vino.  I actually tried 2 varieties of Mad Housewife wines… a Cab and a Chardonney.  I usually lean toward reds so that one I tried first, but let me tell you, I enjoyed the white just as much!  The wines are 100% California wines and they have some very fun gear on the website, so be sure to check them out.


The Cabernet is really smooth and can be drank alone if you choose.  It has a nice subtly sweet taste with a rich finish. I could definitly see pairing this with some dark chocolate for a perfect dessert combination!

The Chardonnay I thought was very crisp and not too oaky.  Soft fruity flavor, but not overwhelming.  Very clean.  I think I almost preferred this to the Cab (which is a shock!).  This would be perfect for a hot summer night, sitting on the porch with fresh summer fruit.  Ahhh… summer will be here soon enough I hope!

Click HERE to find out where you can find  Mad Housewife to try it for yourself.

Well, there you have it… a night in the life of a blogger, lol!  So now that I got all this stuff figured out – lets hope you all don’t see any crazy wierd ads on here now!!


I’d love to hear from you…  Have you tried Mad Housewife?  What is your favorite wine – Red or White??  Leave me a comment below!






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Tracy Iseminger

Tracy is a busy mother to 2 girls, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 17 chickens! Her adventures in cooking led her to create Daily Dish Magazine. She has a passion for pairing food with travel and wine. She is Marketing Director at Crimson Vine Marketing, Social Media Specialist at Cougar Digital Marketing, and a Dental Hygienist in her spare time... but her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.

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1 Comment

  1. I am a moscato fan! Yes, I like the really sweet. I will for sure be looking for this wine.

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