Girls Getaway Trip
For most of us it isn’t easy to even get together with our girlfriends for a cup of coffee. Often we might live far apart, so have to suffice with a phone call here and there. To even think that you can have a girls getaway trip is utterly impossible. But is it? Do you think you can do it?
It is possible and it is worth every minute you spend together. Beside having fun, it is a time to get away, let your hair down and enjoy the time with your girlfriends. A couple of weeks ago, two of my childhood friends and I got together on Captiva Island and we had a blast. We all left behind our jobs, our everyday life and our family for 3 whole days to be together. Mind you it wasn’t the easiest to get everything arranged. For one thing we all live many miles apart, one in Washington, one in Canada and myself in Michigan. So how did we do it?
Last fall one of the girls sent the rest of us a text – Next year we are turning 50 we should do something special, plan a trip and that is how it started. Over the winter we texted back and forth about where we should go and a decision was made that we should go somewhere warm… We wanted sun and Florida was decided upon. The first step of the plan was completed… DESTINATION.
Once we decided where we going we had to decide when to go. Each one of us had different things in our lives that made it difficult to leave behind… family, work, money. We needed to pick a time. As we talked the biggest thing was to keep everything as cheap as possible and we finally got a time that worked for all us. Step two completed…. WHEN.
With all this done, the next step is starting to save for the trip. As we planned the trip well in advance we were all able to at least start to put some money away…. Step three completed.. FINANCES.
The most important part of a girls weekend away is that it is a girls weekend away… Forget the guilt of leaving your family and other responsibilities at home. We all need time to get away and remember when we come back, we will be a better mom and better wife and better employee/employer… We will be refreshed and able to take on the world again…. Step four complete… NO GUILT.
The last thing when planning a girls weekend away is don’t overplan… Go with the flow. We woke up every morning and decided what we wanted to do… Did we want to head to the beach, go shopping, cruise the island or just sit back and have a good old gab session with no interruptions….. Step five complete… DON’T OVER PLAN.
For us we had a wonderful time, it had been years since all three of us had been together. We beached it, we shopped, we ate, we took a cruise and most importantly we visited and had lots of laughs and for me I was rejuvenated.. ready to come back home and face what every I need to face and looking forward to the next time we can have a girls getaway trip and hopefully we won’t have to wait for another milestone to do it.
Ready for a great escape of your own? Planning a trip may be overwhelming but there are great websites that can help you Like Travel Girl Tips: Girlfriends Getaway and Girls Getaway Trip. Or have you done trips like this before?… I would love to hear about them if you have.
It’s so true that a good getaway somewhere with great company revitalises the soul and helps us be better people to face the world again with our full potential.
Sounds like a fun trip! Glad you were able to make it happen.