It’s that time again and everyone I know is setting their resolutions or goals for 2013. How about starting with these easy resolutions to lead you to success in 2013. I think that starting small and keeping your commitment, will ultimately help you tackle your largest goals for the new year!
Easy Resolutions to Lead YOU to SUCCESS in 2013!

What are my goals? These are ones that I know I can keep, don’t require a huge commitment and will keep me on the right track:
1. Water – It is what really “does a body good” Keep your body hydrated and help flush out the toxins. Try getting in a few glasses first thing in the morning to help fill your belly and hydrate you after a long overnight fast.
2. Walk – Simply take the time to get up and walk around during the day. Park at the end of the parking lot, take an extra lap around the market. It adds up at the end of a day and a mile is not hard to accomplish. Invest in a cheap pedometer, you will be surprised!
3. Me time – Yes, if you have to schedule it, do it. Try to get at least 30 minutes of just time to yourself without distraction. For me, I find a nice place to park and relax in my car on my lunch break. Use it to relax (not to do the dishes and laundry!)
4. Random Acts of Kindness – You probably are already doing this without being aware. Take the time to be conscious of it and acknowledge it. It will help boost your spirits as well as others.
5. Surround Yourself with Good Friends and Family – Whenever you need a boost, these are the people you can count on to get you through. Do the same favor for them in return.
6. Sleep – This is my hardest to commit to. Getting enough sleep will make you more effective during your day. Just turn out the light and go to bed!
I do have some bigger aspirations for 2013 and I hope you will all be seeing a lot of my growth along with me here on the blog. I have faith that the above goals will help me get to where I am going.
I found the great image and some useful tips in setting goals here:
That is a perfect list! I’m with you in all of them…thanks for reminding me how simple they are.