Featured Food In the News Spotlight That's Pinteresting

Digital Technology Improving the Food Industry

Digital technology is growing at a fast pace and is influencing all industries.  The food industry is no exception.  Companies like Digital Dining are coming up with innovative ways to manage restaurants with simple programs.  When restaurants have a user friendly online experience paired with quality management systems, they will surely succeed.  

Social media is quickly becoming one of the very best ways digital  technology can influence a  customers.  Engagement with customers before they ever walk through your door starts your relationship with a positive experience.

I personally like to check out pictures and reviews online before I visit a restaurant as well as look for discounts and/or coupons.  

Check out this graphic from Digital Dining.  

*sponsored photo*

Restaurants using Social Media Infographic



I have actually found some of my favorite places by utilizing online social media websites.  I love it when my friends post where they have been or I see local restaurants pop up with deals or giveaways.  We are living now in a world with so much information that it makes finding new places to try so easy – and it is especially helpful when traveling.  


How about you?

Do you like to engage with your favorite restaurants online?

Watch videos on YouTube?

Interface on Facebook?

Read/write reviews on sites like Yelp?  







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Tracy Iseminger

Tracy is a busy mother to 2 girls, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 17 chickens! Her adventures in cooking led her to create Daily Dish Magazine. She has a passion for pairing food with travel and wine. She is Marketing Director at Crimson Vine Marketing, Social Media Specialist at Cougar Digital Marketing, and a Dental Hygienist in her spare time... but her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.

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