Hidden in the thick evergreens overlooking the Columbia River Gorge in Washington State, the Skamania Lodge sits inviting guests to come in for an extraordinary vacation retreat. I had the pleasure of visiting for one …
Destination Vacation Seattle #DestinationVacation
Destination Vacation is a series that I created because of my want to travel. I love to read about new places and dream of my visit one day. I got to thinking that maybe I …
Seattle Dining Guide via Taste Washington #DailyDishMagazine
I recently attended the Taste Washington 2013 event in Seattle, Washington and had the opportunity to taste from over 65 of the Northwest best restaurants. Needless to say, in 4 hours time, with the over …
Taste Washington 2013
If you live in the Pacific Northwest or just love food & wine, then Taste Washington is THE place to be! *Disclosure: I received admittance to this event at no charge for media coverage …