Featured Recipes

Basic Recipe for Making Your Own Casserole

Do you make casseroles for dinner? They make a quick  and super easy meal for dinner any time of the year.  All you have to do is throw a little of this, and a little of that, into a casserole dish and viola!  You have dinner on the table in under an hour. Of course, in order to know what to throw into your dish, you need to know the basic recipe for making your own casserole first.   This recipe will give you some different ideas of what items go well together, and what amounts you should use of each thing. The one thing we love most about this recipe is that you can easily change it up and make it yours! 

I thought it would be fun to show you how other’s would make up this recipe. So,  I talked to some of my bloggy friends, and asked them to try the recipe out. You can find all of their great ideas below!


Basic Recipe for Making Your Own Casserole

1 cup main ingredient (tuna, chicken, hamburger, beef, tofu, etc)

1 cup second ingredient (any veggies, peas, corn, mushrooms etc.)

1 – 2 cups starch (rice, noodles, potatoes, etc)

1 1/2 cup binder (tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, cream sauce, mayo, cream soup, cream cheese, etc)

1/4 cup goodies (olives, water chestnuts, pineapple, etc)

1 – 2 tablespoons seasoning (dried seasoning, lemon juice, sherry, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, etc)

1 garllic, minced

1/4 cup onion, diced

1/2 cup grated cheese


Combine ingredients together and bake at 350 degrees for 30 -35 minutes.






Here is how Jutta from Hungry Little Girl made her casserole!

Main ingredient: low fat turkey sausage
Second ingredient: 1 cup peas and yellow bell pepper (and I added another cup zucchini)
Starch: Rice
Binder: Coconut milk, the canned type
Goodies: almonds, finely grinded
Seasonings: dried vegetable boullion powder
Garlic, Onion and Cheese exactly how it said in the recipe from you 🙂

My husband an me ate the whole casserole within 30 minutes! It was sooo good!
I added another cup of veggies, simply because I love veggies – they give you great nutritions and add some color to the plate 🙂



healthy ham mac


Cindy from Cindy’s Recipes and Writings made it this way!

Healthy “Hamburger” Macaroni Casserole

I love casseroles and I’m excited to take Robyn’s Basic Casserole Recipe list and create a healthier version of Hamburger Mac.I increased the recipe a little to have enough for tomorrow’s lunch. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks, Robyn! 

1 lb ground chicken or turkey, 93% (main ingredient)

1 cup diced tomato, canned or fresh (second ingredient)

2 cups tomato sauce, no added salt (binder)

1 cup v-8 low-sodium (binder)

2 cups macaroni, shells cooked according to directions, drained (starch)

1/4 cup olives (goodies)

1 Tbsp Italian seasonings (seasoning)

2 teaspoons garlic, minced

1/4 cup onion, diced

1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese shredded, non-fat (grated cheese)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook pasta according to package directions and drain. While pasta cooks prepare sauce.

2. Brown turkey onions and seasoning. Cook thoroughly.

3. Add sauce, tomatoes and V-8 stir. Mix in pasta.

4. Pour mixture into a 3-qt casserole dish. Sprinkle with cheese. Cover and bake about 30 minutes until cheese melts and casserole is heated.

5. Serve with a salad or crusty bread!

Servings: 8



Pam from Pam’s Party & Practical Tips shared her recipe on her blog. Check it out here: Leftover Chicken Casserole



Last, but not least, Marlys from This and That shared her recipe on her blog. She came up with a Spaghetti Squash Casserole. 


I’d love to hear what ingredients you choose to use in your casserole! Leave me a comment and let’s talk casseroles!


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Robyn's View

Robyn is a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant, Author/Owner of Robyn's View, Contributing Author on Daily Dish Magazine, and Network Virtual Assistant for Entertainment New Media Network. She enjoys DIY projects, working on crafts, researching her family history, walking on the local beaches, watching TV sitcoms, and movies. Robyn is a mom to two adult children, both of whom have flown the nest and are married. She also has two grandchildren, 4 dachshunds, 4 chickens, 2 cats, a bunny, and an amazing man in her life.

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