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Alfalfa Sprouts Know Your Fruits and Veggies

4 season sandwich with sprouts

4 season sandwich with sprouts
Alfalfa is a perennial legume that serves many purposes. It is a popular forage crop for cattle. Alfalfa is also left to dry and harvested as hay. This legume is also used as a cover crop to replenish nitrogen to the soil.
This crop is a favorite for bees. Alfalfa is a major source of pollen for honey production.
Human consumption usually takes the form of alfalfa sprouts. Sprouts are easily grown at home or as a commercial crop that is available in most grocery stores.
Sprouts are grown in warm, moist conditions that are also suitable for most bacterial growth. Warnings are often issued with eating raw spouts. Choose dark green sprouts from reputable sources and consume shortly after purchase. Avoid any sprouts that are browning, soft or soggy.
This food is low in Saturated Fat and Sodium, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Protein, Vitamin A, Niacin and Calcium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper and Manganese.
Add these sprouts to sandwiches and salads for added nutrition and texture.

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Cindy's Recipes and Writings

As a professional cook, I love creating exciting new recipes on the job as well as at home. Assisting in teaching low-income families how to buy, store and prepare healthy food through Penn State’s alliance with Pennsylvania’s Supercupboard Program was very rewarding. During my 11 years with the Master Gardener program, I taught horticultural therapy to assisted living patients using healthful, fr
esh grown food as a focal point. . My hands-on programs and instruction helped hundreds of children and adults learn about where their food comes from and how important fresh food is for your body.
Currently I’m a cook at a college in Pennsylvania. We prepare everything we can from scratch, including our potato chips that tout the seasoning of the day!
Of course I write about food; it's in my blood!

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