I just love figs. My parents have a tree, and I anxiously await their arrival every year. And, since it is about that time I decided it would be great to find out what their …
Eating for Your Health: Summer Squash
There are two types of squash summer and winter. Ironically, both are growing right now if you live in the United States. Winter squash has a tough outside that allows it to last a …
Eating for Your Health: Tomatoes
If you are anything like me, you are harvesting tomatoes daily right now. And, even if you are not, you probably have friends or family giving their abundance to you or are at least able …
Eating for Your Health: Blackberries
Well, here in Georgia, blackberries are finally ripening! They are definitely my favorite fruit, so I am really excited. I have to admit my excitement has nothing to do with their health benefits and everything …
Eating for Your Health: Watermelon
I made this infographic about watermelon a few weeks ago and put it on my own blog, From Calculus to Cupcakes. With the Independence Day, just around the corner, and watermelon being one of the …
Eating for Your Health: Chicken
When we talk about eating for your health, we often leave meat out of the picture. But, meat has its strong points too. You probably already know that chicken is high in protein. But, did …
Eating for Your Health: Tart Cherry Juice
I happened upon the benefits of tart cherry juice quite by accident. I had a bag of cherries and thought I would look up the benefits. Most of the information I found was on the …
Eating for Your Health: Quinoa & 16 Quinoa Recipes
Quinoa is usually used like and referred to as a grain, but it actually a seed. Quinoa is gulten free and can be used pretty much anywhere you can use rice or oats. What is …
Eating for Your Health: Yogurt
Yogurt is one of those foods that show up on all the healthy foods lists. So, why is it so healthy? Well, for starters, it is dairy and therefore high in calcium. And, it is …
Eating for Your Health: Cinnamon
When I think cinnamon, I don’t generally think healthy. Instead I think cinnamon rolls, but my husband has been eating a lot of cinnamon since his diabetes diagnosis saying it helps lower blood sugar. …
Eating for Your Health: Asaparagus
First, I want to say Happy Easter to everyone celebrating today! I tried to come up with a eating for your health food today that I thought was springy and might be on your …
Eating for Your Health: Artichokes
Artichokes are one of my favorite vegetables, and they are in season right now, so I thought I would tell you about their health benefits. I have actually talked about artichokes before, but …
Eating for Your Health: Olive Oil
If you read about food or health, you have probably come across an article at some point telling you you about the health benefits of olive oil. That being said, I think many people still …
Eating for Your Health: Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of the few things we consider dessert that is also considered healthy. It is high in antioxidants, fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium. So, what does that …
Eating for Your Health: Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes are almost always on those lists you see for “Super Foods” or “Power Foods,” and they are there for a lot of great reasons. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, vitamins A, C, …
Eating for Your Health: Oats
Eating oatmeal is one of the things my husband and I have been doing to improve our diet. His diabetes has gotten much worse it in the last few weeks and oats are one of …
Eating for Your Health: Carrots
I remember when I was young, my mother always trying to get me to eat my carrots because they were good for my eyes. It is true carrots are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, …
Eating for Your Health: Soup for the Sick
I know we have been talking about eating for prevention, but sometimes illness just catches up with you. I have cold – a bad one, so I did some research as to what I really …
Eating for Your Health: Beets
I love beets, and beets are super good for you! They come in beautiful red and gold to make your plate beautiful, as well as healthy and delicious! Beets are high in fiber, folates, B- …
Eating for Your Health: Eggs
Over the years eggs have gotten a bad reputation due to the cholesterol they contain. But, the cholesterol in eggs may not actually bad. And, at any rate, eggs are a good source of good …