Too tired? … let’s explore ways to WIN at mornings!
It’s Monday again… how ya feelin’… like you are ready to jump up out of bed and tackle the world? Or SNOOZE… and hit snoooooze….. and just can’t bring yourself to get motivated to get up out of bed because it’s Monday again.
I get it… who doesn’t love the weekend with some time to relax? Now it’s Monday and it’s not that we don’t like our jobs, but it’s the BUSY, right. Cooking, cleaning, shuttling kids, laundry, etc…. oh… and that’s on top of work.
Well, the good news is, there IS something you can do to help motivate you to get your week off on the right foot.
Follow these 4 simple steps to help you WIN at mornings every day!
Rehydrate – We are made up of mostly water right? After a long nights sleep, our body needs to start the day with rehydrating with water (no the water in your coffee or tea doesn’t count). Continue to feed your body the minimum of 8 glasses daily to help keep up your energy.
Reenergize – We’ve just rested 8 hours. Our bodies slowing down and going to sleep. Wake your body back up with 10-15 minutes minimum of simple re-energizing with stretching or mild exercise. A quick brisk walk on the treadmill or a short yoga session can work wonders to wake your body!
Refresh – Nothing starts the day off better than a shower. Why not add to the revitalizing nature of a shower with the fresh scent of citrus to heighten your senses. Try a bit of cool water at the end to help energize your body, as well as to give your hair and skin a healthy glow!
Refuel – Lastly, take the time to refuel! You’ve just spent 8 or more hours fasting. Your body needs nutrients to provide you with the energy to face the day. Try a protein packed breakfast like blueberry oatmeal topped with yogurt to get your day off to the best start!
Now you’ll be ready to say “Bring It On” – which is PERFECT for #MotivationMonday
and…. go ahead and PRINT IT FREE to remember you can tackle your day!
Download & Print: Bring It On Watercolor Printable
Are you ready now to say “Welcome Monday”…
Print this one for FREE too!
Print & Download: Welcome Monday Printable