Crafts DIY Featured Kitchen Craft Tip of the Day Tips & Tricks

Homemade Deodorizing Air Freshener: Cheap and Easy to Make!

I originally saw this idea at The Burlap Bag and just knew I had to give it a try! The first place it is going is in our bedroom. We sleep with four little doxies and 2 cats every night, so it can get to smelling a little stinky in there!
This air freshener doesn’t have a strong scent, remember it is to help deodorize a room, not to scent the entire room.  I did adjust the amount of essential oil to give it just a touch more scent than the original “recipe” called for.
The great thing about this recipe is that it is cheap and very easy to make! Heck, my three year old grandson could even make it with a little help from grandma!
Homemade Deodorizing Air Freshener
Here is what you will need:
Baking Soda
Essential Oil, your choice of  scent
Jar of your choice
I used a 4 oz glass canning jar, and lemon and orange essential oils. I have also made them using peppermint essential oil, and it smelled wonderful.
Pour baking soda into jar, fill to rim. Shake 50 drops, or more, of essential oil into jar. Stir.
You can either add a lid, or not! I used a hole punch and punched holes into one of the canning jar lids. You could even cut a piece of scrapbook paper, punch holes in it and use it for the lid! That would look super cute!!
One of the things I love about simple and versatile recipes, is that it is so easy to make it your own. Don’t be afraid to play around with the essential oils and come up with your own favorite scents!
Don’t throw it away when it quits working! Use the baking soda to clean something else! For example, use it to clean the toilet, or to clean your glass stove top oven, or throw some in the bath tub and scrub away!
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Robyn's View

Robyn is a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant, Author/Owner of Robyn's View, Contributing Author on Daily Dish Magazine, and Network Virtual Assistant for Entertainment New Media Network. She enjoys DIY projects, working on crafts, researching her family history, walking on the local beaches, watching TV sitcoms, and movies. Robyn is a mom to two adult children, both of whom have flown the nest and are married. She also has two grandchildren, 4 dachshunds, 4 chickens, 2 cats, a bunny, and an amazing man in her life.

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  1. I love baking soda, it is so versatile! I do this but am in serious need of replacing the one in the “kitty room” pee uuu

    1. Robyn's View says:

      LOL Dawn! I need to replace mine too!

  2. Fabulous idea. I am wild! about DIY anything. Awesome magazine!

    1. Busy Vegetarian Mom says:


  3. I am going to do this… I think it would work great in my cupboard that I have my garbage in… always looking for something to put there

    1. Robyn's View says:

      That is a great idea!

  4. Busy Vegetarian Mom says:

    Robyn, I LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing it today =)

    1. Robyn's View says:

      I just realized that I need to renew the ones I have around the house!

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