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6 Tofu Recipes with a Mexican Flare

6 Tofu Recipes with a Mexican Flare

If you are following trend, more and more people are trying to reduce the amount of meat eaten by simply enjoying one meatless meal a week.  “Meatless Monday” is a great way to start experimenting with new recipes.  To help, we have pulled together a series of tofu recipes to help you out!  With the popularity of our Buffalo Tofu Recipe, it’s clear you all are looking for some fun new ways to use this once taboo food.  

Today I’m starting with 6 tofu recipes that have a bit of a Mexican flare.  Mix and match these recipes to create one fabulous fiesta! 

6 Tofu Recipes with a Mexican Flare


6 Tofu Recipes with a Mexican Flare


Chipotle Tofu Potato Burrito
Chipotle Tofu Potato Burrito
Via SpaBettie


Tofu Mole
Tofu Mole
Via Ricki Heller


Vegan Tofu Tacos
Vegan Tofu Tacos
Via Katherine Martinelli


Vegan Sour Cream Recipe
Vegan Sour Cream with Cilantro
Via The Culinary Life


Chili Lime Tofu
Chili Lime Tofu
Via DS Books and Cooks


Tofu Taco Filling
Tofu Taco Filling
Via Apron Strings


Chipotle Tofu Potato Burrito

Tofu Mole

Vegan Tofu Tacos

Vegan Sour Cream with Cilantro

Chili Lime Tofu

Tofu Taco Filling


What are your favorite tofu recipes? Do you have some to share?  

Join us for more tofu recipes on Daily Dish Magazine in the next few weeks! 


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Tracy Iseminger

Tracy is a busy mother to 2 girls, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 17 chickens! Her adventures in cooking led her to create Daily Dish Magazine. She has a passion for pairing food with travel and wine. She is Marketing Director at Crimson Vine Marketing, Social Media Specialist at Cougar Digital Marketing, and a Dental Hygienist in her spare time... but her favorite thing to do is spend time with her family.

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